The Journey So Far

Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world - Archimedes

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, where living stars collapse if only to sire black holes, where galaxies violently collide if but to splinter off in new, beautiful digressions, there has always existed this first principle - a primordial force embodied by the endless cycle of creation and destruction. It is this cosmic spark which has not only brought me here, and by extension us, but also helped ignite my journey into the world of handcrafting goods for the witchcraft and pagan community.

My path began not with a deep reverence for the mysteries of the universe, a longing to connect with the ancient wisdom encoded in its very fabric, but rather out of dire straits. Having long since battled with MDD, Anxiety and Addiction, my world came to a halt in 2016 when I made the unfortunate choice of attempting to take my own life–and yet, whether by divine providence or sheer fortune, but doubtless with the help of some incredible people, I rose from the ashes. Presently clear both heart and mind, and many years sober, my aim now is to manifest for others the beauty that I deprived myself of for so long, as it is that task for which I consider myself uniquely qualified.

Drawn to the art of resin and textile crafting, I discovered a powerful medium through which to channel my creativity and express my reverence for the primordial essence that birthed me, and that one day must beckon my return. With each piece in my Etsy store, I seek to honor and celebrate the magic woven into the tapestry of creation. From crystal-infused altar tools to celestial-inspired jewelry, each item is imbued with the essence of the cosmos—a reminder of our interconnectedness with all of creation.

My journey is one of exploration and discovery, a quest to unlock the secrets of the universe and awaken the divine spark within each of us. Through my art, I strive to inspire others to embrace their own unique journey and tap into the limitless potential of their soul. At The Dark Primordial, magic is not just something we create—it's something we embody. It's the spark of creativity that ignites our passion, the force that guides us on our path, and the essence of the universe that flows through us all.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. Let’s pay homage to the primordial essence that created us, and together, let us weave a tapestry of magic and wonder that spans the cosmos.

With love and light,

Kent Schroer
Sole Proprietor of The Dark Primordial LLC

🪄 Follow us @thedarkprimordial on all major social media platforms for the latest updates, exclusive offers, and a glimpse into the enchanting world of resin and textile-based artistry! 🔮